Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The mom of THAT kid.

It happened today. I become THE MOM of THAT kid.

The kid at music class throwing himself on the floor in tantrums. The kid ruining sweet lullaby time with whiny demands. The kid at the park shrieking like a pterodactyl because he wants to go down the slide, but doesn’t want other kids to line up behind him. The kid with alligator tears running down his face and snot dripping from his nose.

The mom who sighs in desperation. The mom who watches the kid writhe in the bark under the swings while calmly (or so it seems) drinking her grande-two-pump-soy-no whip-cinnamon dolce latte. The mom that EVERYONE is staring at, thinking does she give him too much sugar? Does he not get enough sleep? What is her problem?

Well, he’s 22-months-old. The twos are approaching. They don’t call them terrible for nothing, I guess. As he falls asleep on the ride home, I call my husband. “We need to take some parenting classes or read some books, cause I’m about to quit this job.”


Anonymous said...

Two days ago, I had my two small boys with me at a local tree nursery. As they went tearing up and down the aisles of one of the green houses (ie: I let them do so...doing otherwise was proving to be impossible/migraine inspiring) I thought I'd be funny so I said to the people near me "Whose kids are THOSE?!" They looked at me blankly and said "Oh, I don't know." I took this as an indication that my children were not actually bothering them. I quickly claimed them and my armloads of succulents and departed.

Indeed, we are all the mom of THAT kid from time to time. Wheee.

Anonymous said...

Many of the people staring are probably thinking "Gah, I remember that phase, IT SUCKED."

Fat lot of good it does you right now, but it is just a phase, and will pass.